
While researching geometric methods for some private code, I stumbled upon a blogpost titled “Fitting a plane to noisy points in 3D” by Emil Ernerfeldt.

This post is an extension of his previous article, “Fitting a plane to many points in 3D”, and together they provide an incredible explanation of how to efficiently compute a best-fit plane for points in three-dimensional space.

The culmination of Emil’s work is a 81-line program (which appears to be written in Rust, though I’m not certain) which can take a set of 3-vectors (X, Y, Z) as input and return the centroid point along with the normal associated with a best-fit plane for those points. His code can be found at the end of the first post linked at the beginning of this article.

Below, I have written a Python version of the same algorithm. Specifically, my implementation uses the Numba library to achieve just-in-time compilation for maximum computational efficiency. This allows the code to be used within Python programs, while achieving an execution speed much closer to that of C/C++. The compilation is handled entirely by Numba and controlled with a single function decorator. To disable this Numba functionality for compatibility reasons, simply comment-out the @jit(nopython=True) line at the beginning of the function.

Differences in my Implementation:

  • The results are extended to compute A, B, C, and D coefficients representing the plane
  • Normalization is performed to ensure that (A, B, C) is a vector of length 1.0

NOTE: The coefficients returned follow the convention Ax + By + Cz + D = 0, with all variables on the same side of the equation.

The Code:

(Also available as a GitHub Gist)
import numpy
from numba import jit

# Calculates the A, B, C, D coefficients of a normalized plane which best fits a dataset
# Based on an approach by Emil Ernerfeldt, titled "Fitting a plane to noisy points in 3D"
#   (
# Written by Ryan Branch on 2020/10/25. See
# INPUTS: A 2D Numpy float array of arbitrary outer length, and inner length 3 for (x, y, z) of N points
# OUTPUTS: A 4-tuple of floats A, B, C, and D such that (Ax + By + Cz + D == 0)
#            (Returns None if no single valid solution exists)
# NOTE: The single line of code below enables Numba just-in-time compilation; comment it out to disable
def computeBestFitPlane(points):
    valType = numpy.float64
    n = points.shape[0]  # n: the integer number of (X, Y, Z) coordinate triples in points
    if n < 3:
        return None
    # Determination of (X, Y, Z) coordinates of centroid ("average" point along each axis in dataset)
    sum = numpy.zeros((3), dtype=valType)
    for p in points:
        sum += p
    centroid = sum * (1.0 / valType(n))
    # Uses Emil Ernerfeldt's technique to calculate the full 3x3 covariance matrix, excluding symmetries
    xx = 0.0
    xy = 0.0
    xz = 0.0
    yy = 0.0
    yz = 0.0
    zz = 0.0
    for p in points:
        r = p - centroid
        xx += r[0] * r[0]
        xy += r[0] * r[1]
        xz += r[0] * r[2]
        yy += r[1] * r[1]
        yz += r[1] * r[2]
        zz += r[2] * r[2]
    xx /= valType(n)
    xy /= valType(n)
    xz /= valType(n)
    yy /= valType(n)
    yz /= valType(n)
    zz /= valType(n)
    weighted_dir = numpy.zeros((3), dtype=valType)
    axis_dir = numpy.zeros((3), dtype=valType)
    det_x = (yy * zz) - (yz * yz)
    axis_dir[0] = det_x
    axis_dir[1] = (xz * yz) - (xy * zz)
    axis_dir[2] = (xy * yz) - (xz * yy)
    weight = det_x * det_x
    if, axis_dir) < 0.0:
        weight *= -1.0
    weighted_dir += axis_dir * weight
    det_y = (xx * zz) - (xz * xz)
    axis_dir[0] = (xz * yz) - (xy * zz)
    axis_dir[1] = det_y
    axis_dir[2] = (xy * xz) - (yz * xx)
    weight = det_y * det_y
    if, axis_dir) < 0.0:
        weight *= -1.0
    weighted_dir += axis_dir * weight
    det_z = (xx * yy) - (xy * xy)
    axis_dir[0] = (xy * yz) - (xz * yy)
    axis_dir[1] = (xy * xz) - (yz * xx)
    axis_dir[2] = det_z
    weight = det_z * det_z
    if, axis_dir) < 0.0:
        weight *= -1.0
    weighted_dir += axis_dir * weight
    a = weighted_dir[0]
    b = weighted_dir[1]
    c = weighted_dir[2]
    d =, centroid) * -1.0  # Multiplication by -1 preserves the sign (+) of D on the LHS
    normalizationFactor = math.sqrt((a * a) + (b * b) + (c * c))
    if normalizationFactor == 0:
        return None
    elif normalizationFactor != 1.0:  # Skips normalization if already normalized
        a /= normalizationFactor
        b /= normalizationFactor
        c /= normalizationFactor
        d /= normalizationFactor
    # Returns a float 4-tuple of the A/B/C/D coefficients such that (Ax + By + Cz + D == 0)
    return (a, b, c, d)